Candy: We finally hung some photos in our apartment today today, and are getting close to beind fully unpacked. I'm hoping that by the end of this week we'll be all set up.
We were able to sell several of our extra IKEA furniture pieces online at craigslist, which helped both in having extra cash as well as helping us be rid of stuff we don't need.

I took a few quick snaps of some of our rooms so that you can get a sense of what our living spaces are like. The photo above is obviously our living room, with a huge vertical blind covering our patio door. This is a closeup of our media center and photos. Notice the baby picture of Tim next to the lamp on the left.

I began working with Enterprise last Monday. After three days of classroom training I spent two days at my branch in Broomfield. I have been driving around town like crazy, but it makes the time go by quickly, which is great. I'm not sure where this career path will lead as of yet, but I'm interested in exploring the several different directions Enterprise has to offer.
We were snowed on last week (10 inches) and it's been pretty cold, setting record lows for Denver in fact. I had to drive from Broomfield to south Denver for training, and after it snowed all evening and overnight on Monday, my commute (normally 45 minutes with rush hour traffic) lasted two and a half hours. I actually clocked one of the many sllllooooooowwwwwww miles at one mile in 12 minutes. Crazy. However, I arrived safe and sound to training, albeit an hour late, and all was fine.
Tim and I are working the same hours, usually 7am to 6:30pm, which are long and early. You know neither of us is an early bird, but Tim has already adjusted after six weeks with Enterprise and he assures me that I will, too. For now, I'm taking his word on it! Not sure I'll ever adjust to the early mornings. I may have to learn to drink coffee.
One good thing about being up and about so early in the morning is that I've seen some really incredible sunrises this past week. That helps. This place is so incredibly beautiful. I need to get a pocket camera and just take it with me all the time.
Chase seems to have adapted easily to being home alone again, and I think he's actually kind of happy to have such uninterrupted sleeping time. He's such a great dog, and we're really fortunate he's so easygoing.

Tim is still enjoying his job very much and has nearly convinced me that I will enjoy it too, simply because it doesn't have to consume our lives like our previous professions have. I'm having a little withdrawal from managing 16 people and having 15 projects going simultaneously all the time. When it's slow in the branch I think I'm going to go stir-crazy, but fortunately so far it hasn't been slow for more than three hours at a time. Still. It's been a little rough for me that way.
This is a shot of our kitchen. As you can see, it's all white and a bit of a mess right now. You can also see from this photo and from the photos of our master bathroom that the apartment is wheelchair accessible, which provided us with a great apartment for a great price.

Here are photos of our bedroom and master bath. We especially love the painting of the Coliseum we bought in Italy last summer, along with the photos of our two favorite beaches in France.

Hey! It looks great! Very well done with the decorating. You can add interior decorator to your resume. :) Is it spider free??? What's your view from the balcony??? Is there an IKEA in Denver??? Do you have your own washer and dryer??? OK...those are dorky questions...you can totally tell what my life revolves around right now!!! :) Enjoy the sunrises...caught one this morning myself...still getting used to the sun rising between skyscrapers...it's almost like it has to "rise" twice!
PS...where can I find $1,000,000 abs man?????
Thanks Lenora.
It is definitely spider free (only one so far). I'll try to take a photo of the parking lot that our patio overlooks next time. :)
There is presently no IKEA in Denver, and people are very hungry for their stuff. The apartment came with a washer & dryer, so ours is being stored for now in hopes that if/when we buy a house next year that we won't have to also buy those appliances.
As for the million dollar abs man, he probably is from Oz. Keep going out on your walkabouts, girlfriend, and I'm sure you'll bump into him. :)
We are fortunate to have everything we need and then some, and to be able to have some nice things that we love and enjoy.
More pictures next time.
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