Chase Cannot Say No to Drugs

Tim: We took Chase into the vet today. For those of you who did not read the blog yesterday, Chase had an accident at the lake and cut his leg on some rocks. He was a good boy at the vet and was very cooperative with the staff there.
He was given some heavy drugs like morphine during the stitching procedure, so he was a funny dog all evening long. He has been wobbling around like a drunk. I suppose he must feel drunk. I wonder what that must be like for a dog? Needless to say, Chase has been amusing to watch tonight. The picture says it all. He has been doing this crazy leaning thing all night long.
He has a bandage over the wound that he cannot lick or get wet. Of course, he is doing his best to lick it off his leg. We are both watching him to make sure he does not do any licking. We have not decided whether or not to do shifts overnight to make sure he does not lick the bandage. If he messes the dressing up, we will have to take him back in. The visit to the vet was not exactly cheap.
We went grocery shopping last night at our local Wal Mart Super Center. We have not done this in so long that it was actually a treat for me (ask Candy and she will say that this is definitely an accomplishment). We started eating at home today and it was really a lot of fun to prepare food again.
Last night after shopping, we came out to the car and found some college kids messing with Chase through our car window. When we saw this, we decided to see if we could get the kids scared by saying, “Hey, Chase, do you want to come out and go for a run?” We let him out and the kids got a little scared, but they do not know Chase Dog Rice. His bark is far bigger than his bite. We got a little chuckle out of it.
Other than Chase’s visit to the vet, we made another trip to the bookstore today while Chase got his treatment. We get so much out of these trips, because we get to refuel our passion even more. I have really looked more at today, not tomorrow, during this time. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “One today is worth two tomorrows; what I am to be, I am now becoming.”
Have a great day and I leave you with something I found today at the bookstore. It is called “The Life Builder’s Creed” by Dale Witherington:
"Today is the most important day of my life. Yesterday with its successes and victories, struggles and failures is gone forever. The past is past. Done. Finished. I cannot relive it. I cannot go back and change it. But I will learn from it and improve my Today. Today. This moment. NOW. It is God's gift to me and it is all I have.
Tomorrow with all its joys and sorrows, triumphs and troubles isn't here yet. Indeed, tomorrow may never come. Therefore, I will not worry about tomorrow. Today is what God has entrusted to me. It is all that I have. I will do my best in it. I will demonstrate the best of me in it: character, giftedness, and abilities; to my family and friends, clients and associates.
I will identify those things that are most important to do TODAY, and those things I will do until they are done. And when this day is done I will look back with satisfaction at that which I have accomplished."
So sorry to hear about Chase's injury...hope he's better soon!
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