Move-In Day Looms Near

Tim: It is Day 4 in Pueblo and we are anxiously awaiting our move into our new apartment tomorrow morning. We finished tying up loose ends today by setting up power, utilities, etc. for the apartment. In addition, we drove up to Colorado Springs to set up our furniture rental. "The Springs", as the local folks call it, is about 40 minutes away and is huge compared to Pueblo.
Speaking about rental furniture, man do they have a racket going on there. It really is amazing what you have to pay for cheap furniture. Hey, it is better than sitting on the floor I guess.
We really are enjoying the area. It is definitely the west, as there is a lot of open space out here. When we drove into the KOA the first day, we saw a tumbleweed rolling by...almost like something out of a western movie. Pueblo is a modern city and seems to be growing everyday, especially Pueblo West, the area we will be living near in our apartment. The area is pretty affordable and has exactly what we were looking for...a Barnes and Noble Bookstore and a Wal Mart Super Center (actually, the area has two). Both are staples in the Rice lifestyle.
Speaking of Barnes and Noble, Candy has been learning a great deal about using Photoshop lately and she has produced some pretty incredible works of art. The picture above is a colored line drawing of Candy's nephew Austin and the picture below simulates a fish eye lense (according to the book) of a flower shot from Monaco. It really is amazing what she can do with her photos, which are already incredible, by using Photoshop.

Just as much as Candy has been looking to learn more about her craft, I have been looking at other new ways to coach. I still have a lot of coaching left in my bloodstream right now and want to be prepared if I am given another chance. I read a quote the other day from author James Michener that made me feel a little bit better about my specific situation right now. It goes like this: "Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries."
For now, Candy and I are looking forward to moving into our new digs tomorrow. We still have some things to work on before the "next thing" happens. Have a great evening and stay in touch!
The simulated fish-eye lens look of the flower is gorgeous! Keep 'em coming!
Hello again!
It's morning here and I'm up early enough that no one is waiting on the computer (they gave us an internet connection in the hotel since we're such a large group and here for so long) so I thought I'd say hello! Sounds like things are going well for you, as they are for me, too! We went to the Duomo on Thursday and then to see San Lorenzo yesterday which is the spot where most, if not all, of the Medici family is gorgeous! The marble work in the place blows my mind and what a feat it would be today to produce such works of art! I've taken about 230 pictures I believe and we still have a week left as well as Rome so I'm sure there will be plenty of pictures when I get back! Though I don't have the magical photoshop hands of Candy, I hope the pictures will be beautiful in themselves and I'm certain they will be! Other than that, just continuing to enjoy this place and gear up for our last full week here! Take care!
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