Pictures and some thoughts from the weekend

I had the chance to go to a coaching clinic this weekend down near the Twin Cities. The coach who presented the clinic is Don Meyer, arguably the best basketball coach in the nation, if not the world. A friend made a call to the clinic to get me in for free.
The clinic really focused on the peripheral aspects of a basketball program instead of the X’s and O’s. It was really something to hear Coach Meyer talk about the things he values in his program at Northern State University. Most of these values were the same values I taught in my program at Hiram. It made me feel a lot better about what I attempted to do as a head coach. Maybe that chance will come my way again.
The weather here in Minnesota is starting to cool down a bit and today was a day tailor-made for Northeast Ohio: dark, rainy, and stormy. Here in Minnesota the “month of fall” is progressing. Candy calls it this because in this state there are not really four seasons, but rather three seasons: winter, fall, and “road construction” season.
We are anxiously waiting for what’s next. It has been an interesting time for us and we have learned a lot from the last six months. We know God has something good coming, we just do not know when or what it will be. Whatever happens, we will keep you updated. To be honest, we have not had a lot going on recently that has been “post worthy.” Hopefully more will happen shortly that will be.
Well, that’s all for today. We hope you had a good one and we will leave you with another of Isaac's pictures of me "horsing around."

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