A Day of Rest

We're definitely web junkies, and not having access at the house these days is very difficult for us to handle.
One note of interest today: I got an email from the hiring manager at Bowdoin College in Maine. I had applied for their Director of Media Relations position and they want to do a phone interview with me this week. For those of you who aren't familiar with Bowdoin, it's a private liberal arts college to which many of America's best and brightest young academics go for their undergraduate education. The job would be incredible.
I haven't taken many new photos in the past few days, so I went through my files as far back as 2001, when I had my first digital camera, a 1MB Sony Mavica. It was so much fun to use back then, but those files are not really usable at all these days. That's why some of the pictures on today's post are smaller than usual. Oh well, it's fun to go back and look at them.
I love the fireworks photo at the top of the post. It's from a fireworks show at Hiram last summer after the golf outing. I was testing our (then new) pocket point-&-shoot Sony.
This photo is one of my favorite old photos too. I took it in the rundown yard at our Mantua rental house in Ohio. I love the juxtaposition between the garbage barrel and the plethora of flowers surrounding it.

Something about the worn-out colors of the freight cars, the not-so-pretty pond of water in the foreground, the power lines that are reminiscent of prison bars, and the barren trees really symbolized how we were feeling about working at Hiram and driving so much.

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